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Shared Hosting

Our premium Shared Hosting Platform

Web site hosting has come a long way over the past 20 years. In the early days disk space and bandwidth were the two metrics most people measured, if you got more it had to be better. Fast forward to present day, now it’s the cloud. If you’re in the cloud it’s going to be better. 

Buzzwords do not make a great Webhosting company, longevity and experience are better metrics to measure a hosting company’s success. YellowHammerIT (previously known as TVI Hosting) has been in the business since 2002. We have remained successful for two very simple reasons, we treat all of our clients with respect and dignity and we will never sacrifice our integrity for the sake of a sale.

This is why you will never see us offering features like ‘unlimited disk space’, only to restrict your disk space invisibly. The FTC sued and prevailed against AT&T, T-Mobile and others for falsely advertising “unlimited” only to throttle or cap their users. This is not the way we want to conduct our business and you shouldn’t have to be worried about the fine print. We provide outstanding up-time, exceptional support, Enterprise level hardware and intelligent consultation. All of our hosting accounts are provided fully managed, you don’t have to worry about your technical capability when you have YellowHammer IT as your partner.

We hope these are the metrics your organization finds important and you can share in the hosting success we have experienced since 2002!

What we offer and support | What we won't and why

This list is a brief summary of just some of the features that are included in our Shared Hosting Packages
If you have a a requirement that is not listed, please ask us!

We will:

  • Provide a secure, shared hosting space.
  • Provide a free SSL certificate.
  • Provide robust, comprehensive back up policies including offsite backups.
  • Maintain the server your account is hosted on including operating software and security updates.
  • Provide 24/7 Support via our Help desk with a guaranteed 24 hour response time (most tickets are resolved in 2-4 hours).
  • Provide your website traffic statistics
  • Administer your DNS records as they relate to your hosting account.


We will not:

  • Offer or claim to provide unlimited, disk space, bandwidth or resources. There is simply no such thing.
  • Oversell the space or resources on our servers. Your website will not slow down as a result of the number of shared hosting accounts.
  • Host your account on servers outside the US. All servers will always be located in the continental US.
  • Hold your data hostage if you ever decide to close your website or leave our services

All of your IT needs under a single pane of glass.

Experience the affordability and convenience of shared hosting today! Maximize your website’s potential without breaking the bank. Choose shared hosting for cost-effective and user-friendly web hosting solutions. Get started now and unlock a world of possibilities for your online presence.